Vala Documentation#

Welcome to the documentation for the Vala programming language. You can lookup all information about Vala here or use it as a reference for starting with Vala.

Content overview#

This documentation is divided roughly into three sections:

  • Developer Guides: In this section are all language features of vala and more useful things documented.

  • Tutorials: For tutorials about how to use Vala for lots of different use cases you can find more here.

  • Tooling: Lookup details and more information about tooling that comes with Vala

  • Contribute to Vala: If you want to contribute to vala, in this section you can find out more about how the vala compiler works internally.

Additional Resources#

You can also find information from other places:

  • API references: Search and lookup all libraries for Vala and their functionalities.

  • Reference Manual: The place for technical specification of the syntax and other features of the Vala language

  • Wiki: Has lots of useful extra documentation about Vala, but is sometimes a bit outdated.

  • GNOME Developer Documentation: Contains documentation and tutorials about platform libraries, design, the GNOME Builder IDE and much more.

  • Vala Wesbite: Contains general information and the latest news related to the language.

Get in touch#

If you want to talk to the developers there are multiple ways:

  • Discourse: Ask for help in the discussion forums.

  • Matrix: Have a chat with the developers and ask your questions.

Improve this Documentation#

To contribute, go to the gitlab repository.